Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Journey East

Journey East September 11 to September 23rd

Our journey east from Montana to Connecticut took us only four days traveling a total of almost 1300 miles. It doesn't sound like much, but when you can only go 55 or 60 in the RV towing the car, it took us longer than the normal traveler.  We had long days of driving but our goal was to get to Connecticut in time to see our children in New Jersey before they left for a vacation. Every state we traveled through had its own beauty. From rolling hills, farmland to  lakes and rivers.  On the 12th, we took the only coal fired steam engine ferry, the Badger,  left in North America across Lake Michigan, from Manotowoc, Wisconsin  to Ludington, Michigan. This was the only ferry on which we could not drive our own vehicles. Evidently, the below deck was configured in such a way that was not safe for us to do that. It took a while to load and unload all the cars and the larger trucks with huge beams, but the ferry professional drivers did a great job. We relaxed for the four hour trip and stayed in Ludington, MI for the night.
Backing the Beam on to the Ferry

Our RV Coming off Ferry

The next day, we drove in and out of Ontario, Canada on our way to Upper New York State. No issues with border crossings. We're getting quite good at knowing what is allowed to take into Canada and out of Canada into the USA.  Ontario is as beautiful as Wisconsin and Michigan with its beautiful countryside. A very enjoyable but long ride.

We arrived in Connecticut on September 15th where we stayed until September 22nd when we headed our trek back to South Carolina. During that time, we were able to catch up with all of our children and some friends. It was wonderful to be able to see them all after the long summer away. trip.

We have stopped tonight, the 23rd, in Dillon, SC and we will have less than 200 miles to go tomorrow. It will probably take us a few days to unload the RV!!

We have had an exceptionally wonderful four months on the road, but it is always good to go home again. We are certainly looking forward to getting back in to our regular routines this fall.

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